
Friday, May 6, 2011

Dublin Castle, Viking Splash Tour & National Archaeology Museum

Today we toured The Dublin Castle, built in the 12 century. The castle was built on the original site of a DanishViking fortress dating back to 930AD. There where many rooms in the castle that we didn't see. They're preparing for the visit of Queen Elizabeth. Apparently no English king or queen has visited Ireland in over 100 years. Then we moved on to a fun Viking tour.  The vehicle we road in was named Thor, very interesting, our boat is named Thor also. The duck that we road in was built in 1942 and was used by the military in the invasion of Normandy!!! After the Viking tour we toured the National Museum of Archaeology. We viewed many artifacts, jewelry pieces and weapons, also a long boat that was very well preserved after spending thousands of years in a peat bog.

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