
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Improving our instrument skills!!!

We didn't make it out of the fog all day.  As we got closer to Long Beach the fog got thicker and thicker and thicker... ZERO visibility.  I was ASSURED SEVERAL  times by both Bob and Bill that this was a wonderful opportunity to test our instrument skills, and yes they where tested. We dodged huge tankers as they where headed out to sea, thanks to AIS, my new best friend. Our radar and GPS worked flawlessly as we maneuvered around the military ships and cargo ships that where anchored in the bay blocking our entrance. We could hear the Coast Guard conversing with small pleasure crafts that where lost in the fog. I don't understand being out in those conditions without radar.  We made it to the entrance of the break water without any problems and currently are tied up at the dock in Long Beach.

Our instruments skills are much, much improved, at least mine are! Bob and Bill enjoyed this little instruments test much more than I did.  Thor handled great, love, love, love, our stabilizers.  We had a safe and exciting trip down the coast following behind dolphins and whales.  We're looking forward to continuing our journey south with the Fubar to La Paz!

 Oh and by the way, I love our Nordhavn!!! 

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