
Monday, August 12, 2013

From Sydney Inlet, to Tofino and on to Ucluelet

We decided to take the inland route to Tofino from Hot Springs Cove. We anticipated a nice dinner in Tofino, but where unable to anchor close enough to town. While trying to locate a good anchorage Anna Mae kissed the bottom briefly. That got everyones attention! Our charts read 50' but obviously they where wrong. It was only mud and a quick little smooch and we where on our way. We had a couple of choices on anchorages in the area and we all voted to stay away from Mosquito Cove, it just didn't sound inviting. We anchored in Adventure Cove and dodge crab pots most of the way. Tofino was not a destination I plan to revisit. Although as we where heading out Templor Channel to get back to the ocean, a humpback played along side Anna Mae and breached about 30' away. I almost dropped my camera, and didn't get a photo... It was AMAZING!!!

We are currently in Ucluelet provisioning, and visiting with friends. We will head to Barkley Sound in a couple of days before we continue south.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you guys are having great trip. We are holding down things in Scappoose and wishing we were with you. Safe voyage, see you in a few weeks.
