Sunday, August 11, 2013

To the top and heading south.

We have been without internet service for several days. 

After leaving Port McNeill we anchored in Bull Harbour on Hope Island. We got an early start wanting to make it to around the northern point of Vancouver Island.

I was anticipating a bumpy ride past Cape Scott, the northern most point of the island, but luckily the water was calm. We had about 2.5 knots of current on our nose and smooth seas…

Our first stop heading south was Winter Bay in Quatsino Sound. We dined on fresh salmon, thanks to Bill. It was delicious. He caught a couple of salmon as we pulled into our anchorage.

Our next stop was Winter Cove in Kuquot Sound. We anchored next to a Nordhavn 40, The Blue Juante also from Portland. We circled them, but never did get to say hello.

A large group of sea otters welcomed us when we pulled into our next stop, Walters Cove. Once we set anchor and turned off the engine, which we always call the ahhhhh, moment. The otters surrounded our boat, we could hear their little hands clutched with stones cracking open their dinner. We didn’t seem to bother them at all. We fished our way down the coast. We had the best luck at Klaskish Inlet north of Brooks Peninsula. We managed to get 16 silvers into the boat in just under 2 hours. I drove Anna Mae while Bill and Monica fished. I was able to keep the wing engine at just under 2 knots. The ocean was flat which helped.

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