
Thursday, November 7, 2013


We are tucked into the Ensenada Cruiseport Village Marina, tied up next to Infinity a fellow Nordhavn 62 and Daybreak a Nordhavn 60. Tonight we will be attending a party at Hotel Coral to get better acquainted with our fellow Fubar participants.

We are anxiously awaiting our cruising buddies, Don and Lili Weippert. They have had a few unexpected issues with Spring Day, but plan to arrive tomorrow from San Diego.

The weather is warm and sunny, which is so appreciated by us Oregonians, especially in the month of November...

Our cruise from San Diego was smooth and uneventful. Which is just the way we like it.

We will be leaving on Saturday the 9th for Turtle Bay. Hopefully we can do some fishing when we get close to Cedros Island. Out last Fubar experience was not a positive one along that stretch... When your main engine alarm sounds at 4am you take notice. Previously we limped into Turtle Bay on our get home engine... Keeping our fingers crossed that this time around our arrival in Turtle Bay will be relaxing and less eventful.

We have Jimmy Buffet playing in the pilot house. Of course Bill has a project to keep him busy. Our crew is settling into a nice rhythm and Anna Mae is a joy to travel on. Life is good.

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