
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sea of Cortez

Anna Mae and crew made a successful crossing to Mazatlan from La Paz Mexico. The passage took us approximately 34 hours at a cruising speed of 7 knots.

We traveled along side Spring Day N76 and cut back our engine to accommodate their speed. Our exhaust was not happy... We  excelerate to 1600 RPMs to make our engine happy at the end of a long run.  We took the hint when Anna Mae spewed a nasty belch of smoke that not keeping the exhaust at  700 degrees just wasn't healthy. Although our fuel burn was wonderful.

The seas remained to stay calm throughout our passage. We truly enjoy the bow in the evenings underway on calm seas. It almost feels as if you are on a magic carpet ride through a star filled sky. We managed to see several shooting stars.

The dolphins played on our bow several times throughout the cruise, and a whale waved it's tail as we passed by.

Three other Nordhavns had taken off a few hours prior to our departure from La Paz. Insignia N55, Sea Fox N55, and Giddy-up N55. All are wonderful friends now and so enjoyable to travel with. About 4 hours from Mazatlan Giddy-up and Sea Fox encountered a long line submerged a few feet below the water line. After much excitement and maneuvering they managed to pass over it. We came along a couple of hours later and had no trouble putting the boat in Neutral and siding over. Spring Day was not as lucky. They got it caught on their bulbous bow several times and ended up cutting it, walking it to the stern and connecting it back together. Never a dull moment!!!

We all managed to tie up to the same dock at Mazatlan Marina. We have enjoyed everyones company. Neil and Elaine Willamson on Insignia have a condo here and have been so gracious to show us the sites. We all have eaten much food, laughed many hours, and enjoyed our wonderful Nordhavn friends.

Our next destination is Puerta Villarta. Giddy-up departed yesterday, and we will leave early tomorrow along with Spring Day. Insignia and Sea Fox will follow in the near future. Our plan is to anchor at San Blas for a couple of days and then continue on to Puerta Villarta.

We are having the adventure of a life time, and feel so fortunate to be able to enjoy this experience.

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