
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Tehuantepecs and Papaguyos

Checking out of Mexico in Huatulco was rather hectic... The process was time consuming but we maneuvered through it. Our tanks are full, our pockets empty, $4.00 a gallon for diesel was painful. We hadn’t taken on fuel since leaving San Diego. It was time to bite the bullet.

Currently we are off the coast of Guatemala, taking a direct route to Costa Rica. The decision to pass on El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua was unanimous.  After talking with several boats along the way, we decided our time spent farther south was more appealing. Checking in and out of some of these countries can be frustrating.

This leg of the trip is about 700 NM from Huatulco Mexico to Costa Rica. Our first anchorage will be Bahia Elena, on the Nicaragua, Costa Rica boarder.
Sun setting off the coast of Nicaragua
Running nonstop for a few days isn’t my favorite way to travel, unfortunately it is a must sometimes.

We continue to travel with Spring Day, it’s comforting to look out the window on my late night / early morning watch and see their running lights. Insignia had to leave us and return home for various commitments, we miss them already!!! Hopefully they can catch up with us.

Today off the coast of El Salvador, Spring Day had stabilizer issues. Luckily we had calm seas. We used our sat phone to call AB Trac for advice and they talked Don through a temporary fix. It seems like it is always something… We are so fortunate to have a couple of mechanical captains on board. 

Initially the thought with the stabilizers was thay they had picked up something. Of course Bill was ready to dive in and check it out, glad it didn’t come to that again…

The dolphins have been plentiful. They love our bow and we love it each time they come to visit, always exciting to see them.

We’ve seen numerous sea turtles float by the boat.  Generally they have a bird perched on their shell taking a siesta. The turtles don’t seem to mind, until they come to close and catch our wake. Poor things, they end up twirling through the prop wash.

The Tehuantepec winds have been kind to us so far. We managed to hit a favorable weather window. Yah!!!!!!! The winds picked up briefly a couple of times. We plowed through it with no problems.

The next windy area is The Papaguyos. Keeping my fingers crossed we will continue to have calm seas. We are all very anxious to anchor up and turn the engine off. We have been running non-stop for almost 4 days. I love Anna Mae, but we are all ready to take a break, and get on land.

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