
Monday, March 10, 2014

Boarded in Costa Rica

Our overnight stay at Playa Vida Flamingo was relaxing. The next morning we raised our anchors early and headed south. Lili was at the controls of SpringDay and I was following right behind on Anna Mae. We started out on our 50 mile cruise to Bahia Potrero. The sun shining on our bows with calm water stretching out ahead of us.

Bill was down in the engine room working on our cranky fresh water pump allowing the bilge to fill above the low water mark triggering an alarm. Once I figured out which alarm was sounding and the reason, I looked up to see The Costa Rican Coast Guard passing me at a high speed on my starboard side. They looked intimidating with their guns as they blew by. I radioed Lili to let her know the situation as they pulled up behind SpringDay. We watched from the pilot house as the officers went onboard.

It turned out to be a routine stop to review our paperwork. When they finished on SpringDay they asked permission to board Anna Mae. We managed through the process with our limited Spanish.   Two officers walked through the boat and looked in various compartments, while I furnished the paperwork that was needed to satisfy them.

Curious why the officers spent so much time on SpringDay compared to Anna Mae was answered by Lili after the fact.  Don had a multitude of questions for her to translate to the officers including being very determined to hold the officers machine gun...  

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