Monday, August 5, 2013

From Ganges to Port Mcneill

We are having a fabulous time, and the weather has been beautiful.  All of the little adjustments that we are making to Anna Mae have been working great. We figured out that after we programed our Ballmar external regulator you have to save the programing and reboot it or it will revert back to factory default. This is to detune the alternator for 250 amps 24 volt down to 200 amps 24 volt to save on the belts, reduce heat and increase longevity. With a 3000 amp 24/12 volt battery bank, 5 kw stacked inverters.  200 amp 24 volt alternator as well as a 250 amp 24 volt alternator, generator time will be kept to a minimum while allowing us to use everything on Anna Mae with in reason,  Life is good...

We met up with our fubar friends in Blind Channel, Jan and Vicki on Oriana. We ate dinner on the dock and exchanged stories of our travels. The left for Dent Resort and we took off for Port Mcneill to fill up our cupboard. As we pulled into the marina a mayday was blaring on our radio. At the Port Mcneill fuel dock a boat exploded! It was horrible. The boat blew apart, thankfully no one was injured to badly.

We are heading further north tomorrow. The forecast is looking good so we will take advantage of it!

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